Sonia Guadalupe Sayago Ayerdi

Sonia Guadalupe Sayago Ayerdi, Mexico
Technological Institute of Tepic, Mexico
Associate editor, Food Chemistry
Sonia Guadalupe Sayago Ayerdi, has a degree in Chemistry from the Universidad La Salle A.C., a Master of Science in Biotic Product Development from the IPN and a PhD in Nutrition by Complutense University
of Madrid.
She began her career as a teacher at the Technological Institute of Acapulco, and was trained as a researcher thanks to the support of the National Technological Institute of Mexico. Upon returning from the PhD, she joined the Graduate Program of the Technological Institute of Tepic, where she has been working since 2010.
Currently has the category of Professor-researcher with PRODEP profile, she belongs to the National System of Researchers (SNI) since 2009 and is currently Level III. She believes that it is important to provide answers to the great problems that exist in Mexico, in addition; the biodiversity we have as a country, as well as the possibilities for its exploitation, have led it to emphasize the study of tropical fruits.
One of her main interests is to carry out group research on underutilized indigenous foods, the traditional Mexican diet and the potential use of food by-products and to evaluate the effect of processing on the bioavailability and bioavailability (in vitro and in vivo) of bioactive compounds.
In addition, she is interested in simulating colonic fermentation in humans and evaluating the prebiotic effect of non-conventional sources of dietary fiber (tropical fruits) and, above all, collaborating with researchers in the areas of nutrition, biochemistry and molecular biology to complement these studies. She is convinced that multidisciplinary research is a need that today can provide concrete answers to frontier questions that S&T must answer.
She is coordinator of the Network of Underutilized Native Foods (ALSUB-CYTED, 118RT0543) of the IberoAmerican Program of Science and Technology for Development, participates as a member of the Technical Committee of the National Network for Research, Innovation and Development in Functional and Nutraceutical Foods (AlfaNutra ), member of the Mexican Academy of Sciences, member of the steering committee of the Mexican Association in Food Sciences (AMECA) during the periods 2015-17 and 2017-19, and member of the editorial committee of the journal Food Chemistry of Elsevier, Guest editor in journals such as Current Opinion in Food Science, Food Research International, Frontiers in Microbiology and Nutrition and Food Chemistry X.
To date, she has directed 24 funded projects, 7 research stays in different universities such as the Central University in Venezuela, the Institute of Food Science and Technology in Madrid, the University Hospital of La Paz in Madrid, and the University of Maastricht. She has graduated Bachelor, Master and PhD students and has 107 indexed articles, 11 book chapters, 3895 citations to publications with a 31 h-index, according to Google Scholar.