Call for Abstracts
Oral and poster presentations on the mentioned topics are welcome. All participants are invited to submit abstracts which will be published in a conference proceeding. All abstracts will be reviewed by the scientific committees and the decision on the way of contribution will be announced no later than 2 weeks after the abstract submission deadline. Registration is mandatory for acceptance.
Key Dates
Abstract submission for oral presentation deadline 31th May, 2022
Abstract submission for poster presentation deadline 30 th June, 2022
Abstract preparation guidelines
Please send the file via e-mail to wangfang8875@163.com and cc to chenlei841114@hotmail.com.
Word is the main software we will use, but if this is unavailable, please provide a compatible file of your paper (compatible for Word 97 and following versions). The abstract should contain the aim of the work, the applied methods, the main results and a conclusion. Statistical evaluation for pharmacological and clinical data is obligatory.
The abstract must be written in English and the standard font should be Times New Roman 12 pt except for the title (16 pt), affiliations (10 pt, italic) and references (10 pt). The name of the author presenting the contribution must be underlined. A standard length of one page is obligatory. Figures (of good quality) and Tables must be included in the text.
The page size is A4 and the following margins should be used: left 2.5 cm, right 2.5 cm, top page 2.5 cm, bottom 2.5 cm. The text must be typed using single space with full justification, page numbers should be omitted.
References must be noted as numbers in square brackets [1] and continuously numbered in the text in the order in which they are cited. At the end of the abstract, the reference list should be given in the style presented below [2].
1. Torronen R, Kolehmainen M, Sarkkinen E, et al. Am J Clin Nutr, 2012, 96, 527-533
2. Mane C, Loonis M, Juhel C, Dufour C, et al. J Agric Food Chem,2011, 59, 3330-3339.