Maurizio Battino

Maurizio BATTINO (ORCID® ID: 0000-0002-7250-1782), obtained DSc at Bologna Univ, Italy (1984), PhD at Minister for Science, Rome, Italy (1990) and was post-doc at Granada Univ, Spain (1993-95).
Currently, he is Full Professor in Nutrition at Università Politecnica delle Marche, Ancona, Italy and Guest Professor at Jiangsu Univ, Zhengjiang, China; he is Director of 2 Research Centers (Univ Europea del Atlantico, Santander, Spain and Univ Internacional Iberoamericana, Campeche, Mexico) and he also was Distinguished and Honorary Professor at Univ of Vigo, Spain (2018-2020).
Dr. Battino has more than 30 years of experience in bioenergetics and in food research with special emphasis on the role of natural antioxidants and his studies are documented in about 500 peer-reviewed research articles with h-index = 80 according to Google Scholar (more than 35,000 citations, about 5,000 only in 2021) or h-index = 66 and 62 according respectively to Scopus and ISI Web of Science, with about 20,000 citations received.
Dr. Battino has been awarded Doctor Honoris Causa from University Carol Davila, Bucharest, Romania and has been named a Thomson Reuters/Clarivate Analytics Highly Cited Researcher and listed in the World’s Most Influential Scientific Minds during the last 7 consecutive years.
He serves as Editor-in-Chief and Associate Editor of 6 journals and in the Editorial Board of other 6 (all from Elsevier, Springer, IOS Press and MDPI).
He has organized International Symposia, has delivered over 150 invited lectures at international or national Congresses, Meetings and Symposia and has been Chairman of Sessions at several International Symposia in 4 continents.
He serves as referee of European Commission (FP7, Horizon2020), Swiss Cancer Foundation and more than 20 further International Evaluation Agencies for Grant Research.
He is owner of 4 patents, and he is or has been Principal Investigator, WP Leader or Participant in more than 10 European Research Grants.