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Jesus Simal-Gandara

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Jesus Simal-Gandara, Spain

University of Vigo, Vigo, Spain

Co-Editor-in-Chief, eFood

Scientific editor, Food Frontiers

Associate editor, Food Chemistry

Associate editor, Food Science & Nutrition


Prof. Jesus Simal-Gandara was 1st Spanish Award of Completion of Pharmacy and PhD Prize at the Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Santiago de Compostela (Spain). He also was Associate Professor in 1991 at the University of Vigo, where he is Full Professor since 1999. He now leads a research group of excellence at NW Spain. In addition, he was leading CIA3 (Environmental, Agricultural and Food Research Centre) formed by 10 research groups from different fields (botany, plant physiology, soil science and agricultural chemistry, biochemistry and molecular biology, nutrition and food science, biotechnology, food technology, food rheology, chemical engineering, and colloidal chemistry) since 2008 till 2018, and also was the Head of the Department of Analytical Chemistry and Food Science at the University of Vigo between 2013 and 2018, and member of the Scientific Committee of the Spanish Agency for Food Safety and Nutrition - AESAN (2013-2014) and of the Scientific Committee of the Spanish Agency for Consumers, Food Safety and Nutrition – AECOSAN (2015-2016). He was also Vice-Chancellor for Internationalization at the University of Vigo in 2018.

He performed research stays at the Université de Paris-Sud (Paris, France), University of Delaware (Newark, USA), Fraunhofer-Institut für Lebensmitteltechnologie und Verpackung (Munich, Germany), Central Science Laboratory (Norwich and York, UK), TNO-Voeding (Zeist, Netherlands), Packaging Industries Research Association (Leatherhead, UK) and The Swedish Institute for Food and Biotechnology (Gothenburg, Sweden). All this background makes him feel as a world citizen, very close to the building process of any kind of cooperation. Among his main research distinctions are: President of the “International Association of Dietary Nutrition and Safety (IADNS)” (2020-); Full Member of the Royal Academy of Pharmacy of Galicia (2020-); Research Medal 2020 "Antonio Casares Rodríguez" (Chemistry and Geology) of the Royal Academy of Science of Galicia; and 2018 & 2020 – Highly Cited Researcher & 18000 citations in 500 papers= 36 per paper; h-index= 70):


His research group is specialized in chromatographic separations (GC-MS and LC-MS) and molecular biology and proteomics. They investigate the distribution of agricultural and environmental organic chemical contaminants in the food production chain, and how improving the sensory and functional quality of food, with an eye on the food chain globally, integrating environment, agriculture and food with nutrition and public health issues. Their focus today is on the study of persistent organic pollutants (POPs) from the point of view of public health (epidemiology, toxicity of mixtures, metabolites ...), and on the study of secondary metabolites in plant foods, exploring the molecular mechanisms that explain their activity, to develop new nutraceuticals, functional foods and cosmetics.

© 2021 by 6th International Symposium on Phytochemicals in Medicine and Food.

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