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Francisco J. Barba

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Prof. Francisco J. Barba, Bachelor´s+MSc degrees in both Pharmacy and Food Science and Technology. He obtained an European PhD tesis in 2011 (extraordinary doctorate award) and nowadays he is professor at the University of Valencia (Valencia, Spain). He has been granted with different predoctoral and postdoctoral fellowships like Marie Curie IEF. Dr. Barba is an international benchmark in the field of innovative food processing technologies and in particular in the use of pulsed electric fields, supercritical fluids, ultrasound, accelerated extraction with solvents, etc. for different agri-food applications.

He is the coordinator of the multidisciplinary group “ALISOST – Innovative Technologies to Obtain Sustainable Foods”, with 15 people involved and the director of the Master of Sustainable Food Processing. Dr. Barba has participated in more than 20 national and international projects, as Principal Investigator (2 European and 2 national) and as a participant. Currently, he is the national coordinator of the EU project “AQUABIOPROFIT; H2020-BBI-JTI-2017-790956) and he is the author or co-author of more than 400 publications in journals with a high impact factor (SCOPUS hindex: 66; Google Scholar hindex: 75), more than 12 books edited by prestigious international publishers Elsevier, Springernature, Wiley, CRC Press, and project evaluator for more than 20 agencies, including the European Commission. He was recognized in 2020 and 2021 by the Expertscape ranking as one of the world's leading experts in food preservation and other fields ( He has been also awarded as a Highly Cited Researcher (2019, 2020, 2021) in Agriculture Sciences as well as Top 2% of scientists worldwide according to the University of Stanford ranking. In addition, he is one of the 100 most outstanding Valencian researchers and has more than 40 articles considered as Highly Cited Papers (Clarivate Analytics, Web of Science).

© 2021 by 6th International Symposium on Phytochemicals in Medicine and Food.

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