Edna Regina Amante

Edna Regina Amante (http://lattes.cnpq.br/6285580635373430)
Graduate in Industrial Chemistry (1979), University of Southern Santa Catarina, Master in Food Science and Technology (1986), Federal University of Viçosa, PhD in Production and Systems Engineering (1997), Federal University of Santa Catarina and Tokyo Institute of Technology. Chemistry responsible for research and development - Catarinense Company of Fertilizers and Mining Ltda. (1980-1983). Professor of Chemical Engineering at the University of Southern Santa Catarina (1985-1989). Chemistry responsible for research and development at Santa Catarina Alcohol Company (1987-1988). Professor at the Federal University of Santa Catarina (1989 - 2017). Volunteer Professor at the Federal University of Santa Catarina (2017-2019). Volunteer Professor at the Federal University of Pará (2020). Leader of the Research Group on Clean Technologies in Food Processing (CNPq). Collaborator as a senior visiting researcher in the Graduate Program in Food Science and Technology, Federal University of Pará, Brazil (current).
Coordination of research and extension projects, catering to the chemical and food industry, with emphasis on Green Chemistry and Clean Technology.
Reviewer of twenty-five scientific journals. Member of the editorial board of Food Chemistry.
99 articles published in scientific journals.
Book published:
MARCON, M.J.A.; AVANCINI, S.R.P.; AMANTE, E.R. Chemical and Technological Properties of Cassava Starch and Sour Cassava Starch. Florianópolis: Publisher of UFSC - Edufsc, Brazil, 2007, v.1. p.101.
Book chapters published:
PROVESI, J. G.; AMANTE, E.R. Carotenoids in Pumpkin and Impact of Processing Treatments and Storage In: Processing and Impact of Active Components in Foods.1 ed. : Elsevier Inc., 2014, p. 71-80.
MORESCO, R.; UARROTA, V. G .; NUNES, E. C .; COELHO, B .; GERVIN, V. M .; CAMPOS, C.E. M .; ROCHA, M .; MARASCHIN, M .; AMANTE, E. R. Discrimination of Brazilian Cassava Genotypes (Manihot esculenta Crantz) According to Their Physicochemical Traits and Functional Properties through Bioinformatics Tools In: 8th International Conference on Practical Applications of Computational Biology & Bioinformatics (PACBB 2014) .x ed. :Springer, 2014, v.294, p. 57-63.