Li-Shu Wang, Ph.D.
Medical College of Wisconsin, USA
Associate Editor, Food Frontiers
Associate Editor, eFood
Associate Editor, Journal of Berry Research
Associate Editor, Journal of Functional Foods
Associate Editor, Journal of Cancer Prevention

Dr. Wang is an Associate Professor of Medicine, Medical College of Wisconsin. She received her Ph.D. in Veterinary Biosciences in the College of Veterinary Medicine at Ohio State University in June 2006. Dr. Wang's work from human clinical trials has been published in high-rank journals in cancer prevention such as Clinical Cancer Research, Carcinogenesis, Cancer Prevention Research, Cancer Immunology Research, Frontiers in Immunology, International Journal of Cancer, etc. Dr. Wang's expertise is in cancer biology and prevention in animals and humans. The primary goal of Dr. Wang's research is to translate the findings from bench to bedside.
Dr. Wang's team has shown that black raspberry (BRB) intervention induces significant metabolic changes and affects energy generating pathways in colorectal cancer patients. Recently, Dr. Wang's laboratory has been investigating the mechanisms of active metabolites from BRBs to influence colon and pancreatic cancer immunology through epigenetic modifications. The results from animal models of both cancer types indicate that berries dampen tumor-induced immune suppressive microenvironment by decreasing CD11b+ myeloid cells and boosting CD8+ T-cell and natural killer cells. To translate laboratory findings to clinics, currently, Dr. Wang's group is investigating the effects of BRBs on DNA methylation in patients with myelodysplastic syndrome (MDS). This pilot clinical trial aims to evaluate the hypomethylating properties of BRBs in MDS patients after three months of BRB supplementation.