Hesham R. El-Seedi
Hesham R. El-Seedi, Sweden
Uppsala University, Sweden
Associate Editor, Journal of Advanced Research
Recent insights into chemical and pharmacological studies of bee products
Hesham R. El-Seedi, Professor --- Hesham R. El-Seedi working in the area of isolation and structure elucidation of biologically active natural products from medicinal plants, Prophetic Medicine, marine, bee products, synthesis and biosynthesis. Prof. Hesham is a fellow of the Japanese Society of Promotion of Science (JSPS), Faculty of Science and Technology, Keio University, Japan, under direction of Prof. Shosuke Yamamura and Prof. S. Nishiyama. Throughout his carrier, he worked in pioneer internationally recognized laboratories including Geneva University, Switzerland, in collaboration with Prof. Kurt Hostettmann, Kunglia Tekniska Högskola (KTH), Stockholm, Sweden, Department of Pharmaceutical Bisosciences, Uppsala Biomedical Center, Uppsala University, Sweden and Menoufia University, Egypt.
He has published more than 275 peer-reviewed international research articles and scientific papers, reviews, chapters in Peer-Reviewed International Journals among them: The Lancet (Current IF around 59), as well as Scientific Reports (Nature Group), Journal of Natural Products (single author and also within team work), European Journal of Medicinal Chemistry, Journal of Agriculture and Food Chemistry, Food Chemistry, ChemBioChem (including Cover Picture), ….etc in the American Chemical Society (ACS), Elsevier Science, Wiley, and Springer journals and he is functioning as a referee and co-editor for most of them.
He has presented his research at several scientific conferences worldwide and received awards and most recently: 2019: Adjunct Employment Professor at Jiangsu University, China. 2019: Appreciation certificate from Keio University, Japan about his lectures and joint collaboration. 2017 Price for the best presentation and paper from Association of Arab Researchers in Bees (AARB). 2017, Appointment as Adjunct Faculty at the International Center for Chemical and Biological Sciences, Karachi, Pakistan. 2015: Award from STEFELSEN Foundation for Pharmacognosy: For many years of Scientific Contributions to Pharmacognosy Research and thereby increasing the knowledge about bioactive Natural Products and building contributions with Developing Countries, Nordic International Conference, Visby, Sweden. 2016 Award certificate and medal from Pakistan and 2015 Indonesia for functioning as a KEYNOTE speaker in the conference as well as 2014, 2015 Recognition certificate from CENAR, Faculty of Science, UM, Malaysia and Certificate of Recognition of Valuable Contribution, Faculty of Pharmacy, UM, Malaysia for multidisciplinary lectures. 2014 Distinctive representation Internationally from Menoufia University VC.
YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCnwtgGw9zmKQ9TUF0qiH9lw/videos
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